KSR Pool

Profile - Steve Bruce

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Pool ladder

Results and stats from the KSR pool ladder are shown below, with the most recent results first. Click here to exclude ladder friendlies.

Matches played: 9 Won: 2 (22.22%)
Frames played: 60 Won: 18 (30.00%)

Summer 2022
Matches played: 3 Won: 0 (0.00%)
Frames played: 16 Won: 1 (6.25%)
1 - 5 Dave Saul
0 - 5 Chris Jenkins
0 - 5 Rob Hogan

Winter 2018/2019
Matches played: 6 Won: 2 (33.33%)
Frames played: 44 Won: 17 (38.64%)
5 - 3 Jade-anne Griffin
4 - 2 Jade-anne Griffin
3 - 5 James Wilkinson
1 - 6 Tom Sutton
2 - 6 Chris Jenkins
2 - 5 Jade-anne Griffin